Simple Advice for Starting a Container Garden

Many people that try container gardening were not aware of how easy it actually it is to do; you just need a container like a pot or a box to begin. In many ways, this is the easiest type of gardening of all, as you can more easily avoid many of the common problems that other types of gardeners have to face, such as pests. The following suggestions can help you make your container garden thrive, whether you’re growing herbs, plants, flowers, or vegetables.


Anyone that starts a container garden needs to find a way to get adequate water to their plants on a daily basis. Due to the fact that your container garden is not on the earth, more water will be necessary. This is probably the largest reason that container gardens fail – they do not receive enough water every day. Plants are actually limited in a container garden because their natural tendency to go deeper into the soil with their roots cannot be accommodated. Since they are in a container, it is up to you to water them regularly. Factors that also need to be taken into consideration are the time of year that you planted the seeds, the type of plants that you are growing, and the moisture level of the soil.

You can have a healthy container garden that’s indoors. This is a good solution for people who live in apartments or who have more room in their basement than outside their homes. If you need to place your plants inside the house they will do fine, but if you have a balcony or a patio to put them on that would be even better.


If your plants are not located in front of a window to get sunlight; it may be necessary to provide grow lamps as a replacement. Herbs do very well inside and if you place them in or near your kitchen; you will have them close at hand. The same is true for vegetables you want to use in salads, such as lettuce, cucumbers or cherry tomatoes.

There are many ways that you can do container gardening – here are a couple of them. Commonly, a separate pot will be used for each planted to grow to make each easy to tend to. It is easy to avoid the issue of compatibility by taking a simple approach. Larger containers are typically preferred because they allow the plants to grow much more easily. The issue of compatibility returns to the picture if you use larger containers and multiple types of plants. You can’t have, for example, a plant that needs lots of water next to a cactus or other plant that needs much less water. Plants that grow outwardly, spreading rapidly, should always be planted separately or away from plants that do not.

This kind of garden will basically grow any type of plant you would put in a standard garden; with better manageability. When you container garden, you have the ability to create your plants surroundings because you can move them to the areas where they are best suited. We’ve looked at a few of the guidelines to follow when planting your container garden and as you gain experience you’ll realize that it’s not difficult at all.